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Our vision for Computing at William Lilley:

Our children learn to appreciate how computers can help them learn about, explore and change the world.  They learn how technology supports in all aspects of life.  Children begin to develop the skills which help them to make safe and respectful choices, communicate, create programs which bring about change, create and manipulate information in order to become active participants in a digital world.


Children are taught computing through 'real life' resources in EYFS alongside tablets which progress onto laptops and through our online curriculum 'Purple MASH' which pupils can also access at home.  The key elements of our computing curriculum are as follows:

  • In EYFS, children are taught how technology supports everyday life and are encouraged to use their developing ICT skills to support their learning
  • Curriculum skills are progressive, using Purple-mash planning, resources and assessment to support this development
  • Cross curricular application of skills give children the opportunity to consolidate their understanding and become independent in their choices
  • Digital safety is taught within computing and PSHE curriculum, as children develop their understanding of how to be safe
  • Children use an online reading scheme which develops their technology skills whilst enhancing their reading
  • Clear progression of skills development for each computing element; such as progression of algorithms from EYFS remote controlled devices to computer based software in KS1
  • Technology is used as an integral part of lessons, both for staff and children; supporting with learning journeys and assessment
  • Suite of laptop computers used for discrete computer skill sessions across F2 and KS1
  • F2 children have independent access to computers to develop their own lines of enquiry
  • Children have access to internet resources, where appropriate within lessons in order to explore and research
  • Parents are invited to e-safety training in order to support their child’s safe use of the internet
  • Staff CPD is a priority during periods of change of hardware/software
  • Homework tasks and activities are available on purple-mash platform, enhancing opportunities at home


Safer Internet Day 2025 

Across the school, we celebrated Safer Internet Day on 11th February 2025 and learnt about how to stay safe from online scams. We created our own Online Safety Super hero, talked about the trusted adults in our lives, decided what information was personal and not to be shared online and enjoyed retellings of fairy tale stories with an internet safety twist!

Computing club used Purple Mash to create an information text about how we can stay safe online. 

Use the QR code below to view what they made.



Further reading and information: