Children's Safeguarding information
Our curriculum supports children's understanding of how to keep themselves safe. The curriculum deals with safeguarding in two key ways:
- The curriculum, through cross-curricular topics and planning around Personal, Social and Health Education, discusses relevant issues with the children. Specific topics include such themes as Healthy Diet, Healthy Relationships, PANTS, Healthy Lifestyle Choices and Stranger Danger. Children are encouraged to explore and discuss these issues together and with their teachers/teaching assistants. We also discuss a wide range of issues around safety and wellbeing on a very regular basis in assemblies.
- It is designed so that safety issues within the subject are discussed and safe practices taught, such as using equipment properly in PE and Design and Technology. At all times there has to be appropriate staffing levels and when the curriculum is taken out of school, appropriate and agreed pupil/adult ratios are maintained.
Please see the curriculum section of our website for more information.
William Lilley Infant and Nursery School - Curriculum
Please see below for our child friendly safeguarding poster.