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Our vision for Geography at William Lilley:

Our children have an awareness of the world around them and their place within it.  They develop knowledge of other places in the world and are able to name some countries, oceans and cities/towns.   They compare places by describing differences and similarities for example zoo, seaside and countryside.  They use geographical vocabulary and terminology to identify both physical and human features of a place and to express their understanding of the world and are eager to find out more by the questions they ask.


  • Skills based curriculum focusing upon; location, place knowledge, human and physical geography, geographical skills and fieldwork
  • Topics are used as a driver to incorporating geography knowledge and skills; with major and minor geography driver topics including around the world and location, location, location
  • Families engage in historical learning through sharing culture and their own experience of different places
  • Homework and Wow sheet speaking and listening activities incorporate Geographical understanding
  • Topics which focus upon learning about ourselves and people around us are embedded throughout the curriculum
  • Discovery areas allow children to develop an understanding of place, generate their own interest and talk about their experiences
  • Summer holiday postcards are sent and utilised as a transitional support, identifying activity and places visited over the holiday
  • Geographical topic displays reinforce learning and understanding – through local area work and fieldtrips
  • Range of resources are utilised to reinforce understanding of place through cross curricular work including computing, maths, photographs, atlases and map work
  • First-hand experiences are evident within curriculum including visits within the local area and further afield
  • Children are encouraged to make comparisons and express their own points of view; contributing to making the area a better place.  This is supported by school council work.
  • Child initiated learning zones are developmental across EYFS and the nest in KS1 and focus upon an understanding of place – such as block area, role play discovery shed etc

Further reading and information: