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Our vision for Music at William Lilley:

Our children to develop a love and curiosity for music.  They have opportunities to listen, perform, sing, compose, and appraise music.  This encourages our children to have a natural curiosity for music, appreciate different styles/genres of music from a range of cultures and appreciate how music is created.  As a result of this they will play instruments confidently, understand the language of music and develop their own voice as an instrument.  Therefore expressing themselves through music and respecting the role music may have in a person’s life. 


  • The teaching of music is progressive and uses the Charanga music scheme to teach performance, composing and appraising
  • Children learn to sing and appreciate music through regular singing assemblies
  • Music is used as a driver when learning about celebrations and different cultures
  • Children are exposed to a range of genre of music through a composer of the week, which plays daily in the hall space
  • The physiological and educational benefits of singing is recognised through singing and musical accompaniments in class eg, What’s in the box, morning routine, tidying
  • Children are taught to perform to others, through Christmas concerts, leavers concerts and termly EYFS presentations
  • Music display in hall celebrates different genres of music and musical accomplishments
  • Rhythms form an integral part of the phonics program eg. Phase 1 phonics
  • Children have the opportunity to access a rock band and perform to parents at the Rock Steady club
  • Children are encouraged to explore music during play and work together to perform in the Music shed, pots and pans in EYFS and music area on the playground
  • Music is used as a support to aid relaxation; within the sensory room and within class activities such as peer massage
  • The children have a school song which unites them as a community - Proud song
  • Musical accompaniments to topics/them
  • Music and art are linked, supporting in mindfulness ie, painting the emotion

Further reading and information: