Breakfast 'Wide awake' and After school 'Mini explorers' clubs
We are delighted to announce that we have been operating our own, school led before school (Wide Awake) and after school (Mini Explorers) clubs. Our Wide Awake and Mini Explorer clubs are open to William Lilley pupils who attend Nursery, Reception or Key Stage One.
We also offer a local holiday club in selected school holidays in collaboration with Rattle and Roll.
Our aim is to promote high aspirations for all and a love of learning through rich and creative activities, which is rooted in fun, engaging and playful first-hand experiences. Our team will support your children having the very best start and end to their day and will provide a child-focused stimulating environment for children to learn and develop.
Kerri Blakemore, Tara Gough and Kristie Peberdy lead the breakfast and after school clubs. They are all highly skilled members of staff who work across the school who have extensive experience of working with children.
Wide Awake (Breakfast Club)
Our Wide Awake Breakfast Club will open every weekday morning during term time from 7:30am (please note the club will be closed on INSET days).
Children will be offered cereal, toast with a variety of spreads, fresh fruit and juice and taken to their class at the start of the school day.
The cost of Wide Awake Club is £6.00 per child, per day.
Mini Explorers (After School Club)
Our Mini Explorers After School Club will open every weekday after school during term time until 6:00pm (please note the club will be closed on INSET days).
Children will be collected from their classrooms at the end of the day and will be offered a range of activities to promote child development through play. There will be a strong focus on outdoor play, using our amazing outdoor spaces as inspiration for activities such as den building, treasure hunts, team games etc. Children will also have opportunities to enjoy indoor activities, such as games and puzzles, reading and story telling, arts and crafts and imaginative play.
Children will provided with a light snack, prepared on the premises by staff. Snacks will be healthy and nutritious. All food and drink will comply with dietary requirements and with the school’s status as a “Healthy School”. Fresh drinking water will be available to children at all times. A copy of the menu each day can be found here:
Wraparound MenuThe cost of Mini Explorers Club is £12.00 per child, per day.
How do I book and pay?
Booking and payments can be made online via your SchoolMoney account. Bookings are made in advance for the following half term through our online bookings and payment system, SchoolMoney.
Parents will be advised when bookings are open and will be invited to log on to their SchoolMoney account and book any sessions required. Parents can use their SchoolMoney account to amend their bookings and pay for sessions.
We are also able to accept payment via any of the childcare voucher schemes available; please contact the school to advise which voucher scheme you would like to use and we will register with that provider if we haven’t already done so.
We will contact parents at the start of each half term to invite you to make bookings for the following half term.
Unfortunately, nursery parents are not able to use their 15 or 30 hour nursery funded hours entitlement as payment.
Booking information can be found here William Lilley Infant and Nursery School - Useful forms or by following the links below.
Before school (Wide Awake) and After school (Mini Explorers) Clubs Parent Handbook.pdf
Before school (Wide Awake) and After school (Mini Explorers) Clubs Pupil Registration form.pdf
Holiday clubs
We're delighted to announce that, in partnership with Rattle and Roll, we are able to offer some holiday clubs here at William Lilley.
Rattle & Roll already work across school providing sports coaching once a week to our Year One and Two children and running our very popular after school sports clubs.
The holiday clubs are open to all local families and bookings are made directly through Rattle and Roll. Free places are available for pupils eligible for Pupil Premium.
The Nottinghamshire holiday activities and food (HAF) programme is here to help children to stay active and happy during the school holidays. HAF can also help familes with parents who need to work, or have other people to look after. Click on the document below for more information.
Help with childcare costs
You may be eligible for further help with childcare costs. Check what help you could get with childcare costs in the form of:
- tax-free childcare
- tax credits
- universal credit
- help while you study
For more information, please click on the links below:
Help paying for your childcare
Childcare choices Click on the link to view Government help with childcare costs for parents. Whether you have toddlers or teens, you could get support.
Other before, after school and holiday child care providers
Notts Help Youself
Information about different types of childcare and a centrally held bank of providers.
Local Childminders
We have experienced childminders who regularly do school drop-offs and pick-ups from William Lilley Infant and Nursery School.
Please see their contact details below; they will be happy to speak with you and provide you with more information.
Sarah Middlemass - 07737 034 371
Cheryl Hill - 07794 006 660
Ellen Parkes - 07360 035 255