Key Stage One - Fabulous Flamingos, Curious Kingfishers, Persevering Puffins
Welcome to Key Stage One!
Miss T McMahon Mr H Amjed Mrs B Belcher
We have three identical mixed-aged classes for our year one and year two children. They are the Fabulous Flamingos, Curious Kingfishers and Persevering Puffins.
We love to learn new things and have lots of fun. We learn the English curriculum and our foundation subjects through our exciting topics each half-term. In Key Stage One, we learn through first-hand practical experiences and engaging learning opportunities.
Our year one children access our nest space where they engage with continuous provision linked to our topic learning through the year one national curriculum. This bridges the transition between the Early Years Framework and the end of Key Stage One curriculum. Both our year one and year two children benefit from small class sizes of up to 15 at these points.
All our children really benefit working alongside their peers. However, there are certain year group specific opportunities such as our year one ice skating and year two residential trip.
Things to expect in Key Stage One:
Line up on the playground at 8.45am to be met and brought into school by class teacher.
Mr Dillon our resident sports coach led PE session every week.
Playtimes at 11am, 2pm and during the lunch hour on the main playground.
Assemblies everyday including visitors, singing, PROUD.
A dedicated Midday Supervisor per class.
Class Dojo used for class updates.
Example of a KS1 Topic Knowledge organiser
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